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News and Information

Lomic Law is pleased to announce Ivan Sobolev’s successful completion of IPIC’s Certified Canadian Trademarks Administrator (CCTA) course this April 2020. Ivan assists the Lomic Law team in managing Lomic Law’s national and international trademark portfolio. This program provides students with a thorough understanding of the trademark filing process from initial filing to renewal. Additionally, it teaches students of the basics of trademark litigation.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) has extended several deadlines related to trademarks and other IP to May 15, 2020, a summary of which is provided below. Due to holidays the effective extension is May 19, 2020. We note that this deadline may be further extended under certain circumstances. Please feel free to contact us for more information.

Trademark Applications

Deadlines related to your trademark application, including deadlines to respond to office actions that fall within the period of March 16, 2020 to May, 15, 2020, have been extended to May 19, 2020. This deadline may be further extended. Also, you may be able to request an additional extension due to COVID-19 with a written request to CIPO.

Trademark Oppositions and S.45 Expungement Proceedings

Deadlines related to a trademark opposition matter before the Trademarks Opposition Board (TMOB), as well as s.45 expungement proceedings, that fall between March 16, 2020 to May 15, 2020 have been extended to May 19, 2020. . This deadline may be further extended. Also, you may be able to request an additional extension due to COVID-19 with a written request to CIPO at the discretion of the Registrar.

A link to CIPO’s guidance can be found here.

Sabrina will be facilitating a round table at the IPIC Annual Conference in Gatineau, Quebec on Friday, September 27, 2019

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